- A Pod is crashed, how you will troubleshoot it?
- What is difference between $*, $@,$_ and $0?
- What are hosted zones in AWS?
- How to setup Weighted routing in route 53?
- How to create a network load balancer?
- What is provisioner and provider in Terraform?
- What are the modules you have used in Ansible?
- How to setup modules in Ansible?
- What are hostVars and groupVars in Ansible?
- How to enable gather_facts in Anisble?
- What are j2 templates in Ansible?
- What are tasks and handlers in Ansible?
"Hub for DevOps and Build and Release"------> AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, Jenkins, Grafana, Prometheus, ANT, NANT, LINUX, SCM, Interview Questions
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
Top DevOps Interview Questions with Answers
Build and Release Engineer Interview Questions
Here I would like to give some Interview Questions that I have faced in Telephonic and Face to Face Interview
The Basic Questions you need to be Prepared:-
1. Tell about yourself?
2. What are your current Roles and Responsibilities?
3. How Much experience do you have?
4. What was the flow of Software development?
5. What tools are you aware of?
6. Have you worked on LINUX?
7. Make an overview of tools that will be used in Build and Release?
8. List out Version control commands?
9. Will update more......
Technical Questions:-
1. What are the version controls you have used?
2. Have you worked on any Continuous Integration Tools?
3. Do you have any experience with scripting languages?
4. Do you know shell scripting?
5. What software do you use for Installers?
6. Have you written any build files using ANT/NANT?
7. Linux Commands-->cp,df,du,ps,umount,awk,time,ls,grep,top,head
8. How to create new user in LINUX?
9. How to Configure SVN on Linux?
10. Questions on SQL?
11. Windows platforms?
12. Questions on IIS?
13. How to create a branch in SVN?
14. When you will create a branch?
15. What is the structure of branches in the repo?
16. How to create backups of the repository?
17. Commands to create New User, New branch, and code Merging?
18. How you will release products to the client?
19. Do you know about Batch files?
20. Do you know about NSIS/Installshield/WIX Installer?
21. What are the tasks you will do in daily routine?
22. What will do for repeated tasks?
23. What do you know about SVN/CVS/TFS/GIT?
24. How to migrate from SVN to GIT?
25. Questions on JOINS, HAVING, GROUP BY, Alias in SQL?
26. Difference between DROP, DELETE, Truncate?
27. Difference between branch, tag, trunk?
28. Write a shell script to find the largest of 3 numbers, while given as input from the shell command line?
29. What is the difference between export and update in SVN?
30. What is the difference between update and commit in SVN?
31. What are the basic svn commands frequently used?
32. How to revert to a specific revision in svn without loosing the local changes?
33. What happens if a directory is deleted from server suddenly? How will you get the directory back?
34. What is the difference between checkout and export in SVN?
35. How to tag a branch?
36. Salve config
37. How to create backup in SVN?
38. Commands for grep, Find, dr, du?
39. How to copy error logs > Dev/Null?
40. What are Jenkins plugins?
41. What are different Jenkins jobs?
42. Mail command?
43. How to post build in Jenkins?
44. Msbuild
45. Explain P4 commands
46. What is difference between $*, $@ , $_and $0?
47. Explain p4 client command.
48. How to find files under sub directories?
49. How to get first column values?
50. Which port is free?
51. What is process on back ground? how to get it foreground?
52. How to get last column on ls-l?
53. What you need to login onto p4 client?
54. Which is the default p4 port?
55. What are installsheild conditions?
56. What are different multilanguages in IS?
57. How to create upgrade Installer?
58. What are the registry entry values?
59. How to know which services are running?
60. How to differentiate between Service and process?
61. How to create symbolic link?
62. Explain nslookup command.
63. How to configure UAC settings?
64. What are different SVN commands?
65. How to set up cron job in Jenkins?
66. How to grep only filenames that match?
67. Explain Teamcity.
68. What are file properties in SVN?
69. How to get started with SVN externals?
70. Explain relocate and switch in SVN.
71. What are the different backup types in SVN?
72. What is the maximum revision SVN will support?
73. What are the 4 ways of executing a shell script in Unix/Linux?
74. How to create jobs in Jenkins?
75. What are the plugins used?
76. What is the difference between target and task?
77. How you setup slave?
78. How you launch slave?
79. How to run slave as specific user?
80. How to run a specific job on slave?
81. What is the connection between master and slave?
82. What are the environment variables you set on slave?
83. Explain about view map.
84. How to create p4 client spec ?
85. How you exclude some files from using view map?
86. Explain p4 branch spec .
87.What are different types of views?Explain the difference.
88. What is default spec?
89. What is the command to edit config spec?
90. How to set view using script?
91. Explain clearcase spec.
92. Explain extended view path in clearcase.
Will update more.....
AWS How to setup weighted routing in route53
Routing policy is one of the important AWS feature, it determines how Amazon Route53 responds to queries when you create a record.
Routing policies let you choose how Route 53 routes traffic to you resources. If you have multiple resources that perform the same operation, such as serve content for a website, choose a routing policy other than simple. Here's a brief comparison:
There are 7 types of routing policy in AWS. The top 4 routing policy are mostly used ones based on requirement.
- Simple: Simple records use standard DNS functionality.
- Weighted: Weighted records let you specify what portion of traffic to send to each resource.
- Geolocation: Geolocation records let you route traffic to your resources based on the geographic location of your users.
- Latency: Latency records let you route traffic to resources in the AWS Region that provides the lowest latency. All resources must be in AWS Regions.
- Failover: Failover records let you route traffic to a resource when the resource is healthy or to a different resource when the first resource is unhealthy.
- Multivalue answer: Multivalue answer records let you configure Route 53 to return multiple values, such as IP addresses for your web servers, in response to DNS queries.
- Geoproximity routing: when you want to route traffic based on the location of your resources and, optionally, shift traffic from resources in one location to resources in another.
Monday, 24 May 2021
AWS Hosted Zones
Hosted zones is one of the top feature of Route53, it tells Route 53 how to respond to DNS queries for a domain such as example.com.
It has records and those records contains information about how you want to route traffic for a specific domain, such as from example.com, and its subdomains (dev.example.com, qa.example.com). A hosted zone and the corresponding domain will have the same name.
There are two types of hosted zones:
- Public hosted zones
- Private hosted zones
Kubernetes - How to check logs of a running and crashed pods
This is the most common issue that every DevOps guy faces, while working on Kubernetes. One day suddenly you will find that one of the pod you are working is in bad state. And you dont know what went wrong. So as a DevOps engineer you need to be aware of how to view logs of running pod or crashed pod.
First you need to know which pod you want see logs for, to do that
Get the pods
kubectl get pods -A To list all pods irrespective of namespace
kubectl get pods -n <namespace> To get list of pods from a specific namespace
kubectl get pods To get list of pods from default namespace
[devopsvm@dev ~]$ kubectl get pods
default jenkins-master-wed66fcfc-kasdas 1/1 Running 1 18d
default nfs-client-provisioner-6756-75vc5q 1/1 Running 0 86d
Get logs of running pods
If pod running in default namespace
kubectl log jenkins-master-wed66fcfc-kasdas
if pod running in a different namespace
kubectl log jenkins-master-wed66fcfc-kasdas -n <namespace>
To see logs in realtime (use -f option)
-f option gives you logs in real time on your screen, to exit press CTRL+C or CTRL+Z
kubectl logs -f jenkins-master-wed66fcfc-kasdas
-p or --previous option give option to see logs of a pod which got restarted or crashed. In above case you see jenkins is restarted 1 time..so if you want to see like why it got restarted, use either of the option.
[devopsvm@dev ~]$ kubectl get pods
default jenkins-master-wed66fcfc-kasdas 2/2 Running 1 18d